Wisdom of the day: if you go for a trail run - stay on the trail. I did not. I had planned a short run, 20 minutes before I had to pick up the kids, but for some reason I decided to go for a shortcut. In the forest. It took me 45 minutes to get back to where I started from (which I had to go back to as I left my bag there). It was actually quite scary for a while and I thanked God (ah well) as the effing GPS found a way to tell me where I was. That at least gave me some directions. The navi wouldn't work as there there were no roads to follow.

From the proper trail I went on to this wanna-be-path. 5 minutes later, as I found myself in the middle of nothing, surrounded by trees, I wished I hadn't left that one, too... And the mosquitos! Gigantic mosquitos, feasting on my blood. I have big, itchy lumps on both legs, my bum, my upper arms, my neck. Next time I know better!
I was really in a get-shit-done-mode this morning - until the skies opened up for a proper summer storm. I didn't get to cut the gras (which is a shame, I am not very often motivated to do that) and I didn't get to go for a PW but I compromised and thinking about it, I have got shit done today.

  • I have dyed my hair.
  • I started and finished a tabata-routine.
  • I went to buy some outdoor furniture. I had actualy set my mind to picknick in the garden this summer as my old furniture was unuseable but I found a cheap set and well, I can live of air and love for a while.
  • I have watered my plants (that doesn't happen all too often!).
  • I have sorted out some details with the girl who is designing my new tattoo.
  • I cleaned the fridge and the freezer.
  • I took recycling paper to recycling station.
  • I did the weekly shopping. Without any vehicle. Not even my bike. I draged 30 kg of shopping home.
  • I have created a Facebook-group for people who are interested in low histamine cooking and living with histamine intolerance. It is a Swedish group and you find it here if you are interested in joining us.
  • I did some laundry.
  • I have learned a lot about which E-numbers to avoid when you are histamine sensitive.
  • I have found some nice recipes to try out. Tomorrow for example I am going to do home made vegetable stock. Clean cooking with no Es.
  • I have brushed the floors (yeah, my hover stopped sucking) and mopped downstairs (left upstairs for tomorrow).

As I said. I have actually done quite a lot and that is good. Tomorrow I get my kids back and we can focus on fun stuff instead. Besides the working part of the day. And the mopping upstairs.

Some pics:

WoD (Workout of the Day)

That's a pic from the shop. As the weather was really shitty I have not put it together yet.
Now this day has had some effect on my blood preasure...

For example, I waited half an hour for a bus that wouldn't come. 'There might be delays' the bus company said, that turned out to mean 'we might not come at all'. As I walked along the highway all I could thinking of was a line from a song from The Offspring: "You stupid dumb shit god damn motherfucker!"

I had some time to kill so I went to the chemists to pick up some drugs for LittleBro. Turned out his doctor hasn't updated his prescription so no drugs today. And again I thought : " You stupid dumb..."

Right, what to do? I decided to get some fast food for my nerves and I went to Max (Swedish Mc Donalds, ish). I stood in the queue, thinking about what to get. As it was my turn the pretty girl behind the cash desk smiled and said: "I am closing this one now, you mind getting in the other line?"
You stupid dumb.... I told her I did mind and went to Subway instead.

I found myself going on a spontaneous tour through the shops. I had some ideas of what I wanted and I came back with three bags - and not one contained what I went for. BigSis needs shoes but got tights and a top, LittleBro needs tank tops and shorts and got a shirt. I on the other hand needed nothing specific and got three workout tops (because they were on insane sale!) and a tunic.

Normally I don't believe in dressing the kids the same. In fact, I find it rather corny, hehe. Anyway, today I found these shirts and I thought that is a fun idea (with the kids being half Swedish and half English you know).

Then there was also some internet shopping: a juice-extractor, or råsaftcentrifug.

As LittleBro has to eat as clean as possible he also has to drink as clean as possible. That means water and milk, which is fine, but he is a kid, he will want sth else every now and then and he shall have sth else. So, soon we will make our own healthy juice drinks!

Now it's time for Supernatural. I have wanted to check this series out for what seems like a decade and now it is time. I have got the first 4 episodes here and some wine. A nice Friday treat.

The village we live in, Grums in Sweden, doesn't exactely offer many activities for kids and weirdly, when summer comes and all kids are out of school, they also shut the public bath. How strange is that?! If I live until I turn 100 years I will not understand that. At all. And it will more than likely annoy the crap out of me every year, too.

As Nike launched their training app I was really annoyed - everybody everywhere was thrilled, 'THE exercise app' bla bla and I am sure it was. As long as you had an iPhone. I am on Android and a strong believer that Samsung Galaxy is way more worth the money spent than the iPhone, but, different story.

Anyhow, I just found out that it is available for Android now so I immediately downloaded and installed it. Now I can't wait for my sore throat to go away; it looks so much fun!

This day feels so much like Friday - but it isn't. Thursday it is. Rainy Thursday. It has been poring down since early morning. That was one nice walk to nursery. Maybe the change of weather brings this Friday blues. And having dropped of the kids for the last time this week.

Other than that... Nose is runny. Still or again. They have chicken pox at LittleBro's nursery. We'll see if he gets them this time. He didn't catch them from BigSis last year so maybe now is the time. I have asked other parents how having chicken pox affected their kids with mastocytosis and apparently they have rather mild outbursts with less itchiness, probably due to the antihistamine.

Ah well, as it is not Friday I better step up the work pace.
When it comes to food and habits my main problem is that I don't eat enough. No, unfortunately that doesn't make me lose weight and I am far from skinny as I make up for not eating enough during the day by eating massive portions for tea and then some nightly snacks...

I have put a lot of time and effort into learning about what and how to eat and that works - for a while. When sth happens, like stress or sickness, I am quickly back in my old habbits though. Which is weird because I obviously feel much better when I eat and drink properly.

Ah well, breakfast. Having to sort out two small kids, two cats and myself in the mornings limits time and I end up "just grabbing sth" for myself. The new Instagram-thing, OOIAJ (Overnight oats in a jar) is sth that I really have to try. It is healthy, diverse and can be prepared the night before. Win-win-win. In a perfect world I would even get my kids to eat it but I am not holding my breath for that one.

I found this website with 19 different overnight oats recipes, just need to pick one and do the shopping!

Pic from here.

Över natten-"gröt" är väl inte helt rätt egentligen eftersom den äts kall och grynen blandas med ex. yoghurt men titta här, ett recept med banan, choklad och jordnötssmör! Eller lite syrligare och fräschare kanske med lime? Det kan varieras i all oändlighet, förberedas kvällen innan, sen tar man bara ut den ur kylen på morgonen - det blir inte bättre!
En gång om året rankar tidningen Fokus tydligen alla Sveriges kommuner för att visa var det är bäst att bo och vilken kommun som är sämst. I år kom Grums sist och jag vet inte, "sämst" är ett hårt ord men nog går det nedåt här. Att slå ihop skolorna, stryka bidragen till Komvux och att stänga den enda möjliga fritidsaktiviteten - simhallen - över hela sommaren känns inte särskilt inbjudande. Mycket här känns som en kommun under avveckling snarare än utveckling. Vill man att folk ska flytta så är det bara att skära ner på utbildningsmöjligheterna och utbildningskvaliteten. Done. "Nära till skog och vatten", visst, det är jättebra men livskvalitet hänger ju faktiskt på mer.

Jag vill utbilda mig inom vården men det går t.ex. inte i Grums kommun. De skriker efter vårdpersonal men se Grums kommun har dragit ner på Komvux-verksamheten och finanserar bara ett fåtal platser. För mig finns det alltså ingen möjlighet att utbilda mig här så jag måste flytta.

Och fritidsutbudet... Jag tar jättegärna emot tips på vad man kan göra i Grums med små barn under sommaren när man inte har tillgång till bil. Simhallen stängs ju från typ juni till september (jag minns inte tiderna men under hela sommaren iaf), biblioteket har begränsade öppetider, vad mer?

Ja, vi är nog inte de enda som numera står i bostadskö i Karlstad...

Här kan man läsa lite om undersökningen och se resultaten.
Before 10 am and I have managed to sort out and take kids to nursery school, I have had a shower, sorted out the kitchen and reported an attempted killing. Two days in a row now I have been attacked by two crazy   seagulls. On my way today, as I walked down the hill, I saw a guy being attacked, too so I phoned the school they are circulating around and asked what they are feeding them. Turned out that they have had little birdies which they are protecting. (If I had thought about it I would have been able to figure that one out myself.) Anyway, nothing to do but taking a detour the next week or so.

Tomorrow my babies go to Mr. X for a couple of days so we are going to sth nice tonight. Maybe a picknick with popcorn in front of a movie. And a bubble bath. It does depend on LittleBro's mood though as we are cutting down his nap time during the day now. Putting him to bed at night is a pain, he is just not sleepy, so less sleep during the day it is.

But first: more snot wipes, more coffee and more work.

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